Diversity & Inclusion

We help companies tap the full potential of their entire talent pool to enable engaged diverse teams that drive innovation and growth.

Whether you’re just starting your diversity and inclusion initiatives or you’re evolving your program to better address equity and belonging, our insights help you avoid some of the assumptions and mistakes around best practices. We help companies understand why their diversity numbers aren’t improving – and how to fix it.

Our programs start where recruiting leaves off: focusing on onboarding talent, removing misperceptions and roadblocks, increasing retention, and deliberately preparing individuals for promotions. Programs are highly customized for each company’s structure and unique culture.


  • Develop practices to welcome and onboard new employees
  • Build corporate citizenship with connections beyond the employee’s own group
  • Create micro-mentorship opportunities to guide future success

Remove Roadblocks:

  • Educate the employee base on how diversity drives innovation and growth, and the unintended consequences of bias
  • Create a common realistic vision for senior and mid-level management
  • Analyze cultures (macro culture and sub cultures) to identify issues and solutions
  • Conduct comprehensive review of formal and informal processes to understand how they impact diversity efforts

Increase Retention:

  • Develop a loyalty program of soft incentives
  • Identify career paths to support longer careers within the company
  • Create robust affinity groups (ERGs) that uplift employees and inform executives
  • Recognize and rectify issues so people feel proud to represent the company
  • Highlight high-potential underrepresented talent to enable true meritocracy

Prepare Promotions:

  • Identify top quality candidates at all levels
  • Coach underrepresented talent to help prepare for the promotion process
  • Analyze the promotion process to ensure a robust mix of unbiased qualitative feedback and quantitative data
  • Provide oversight from initial recommendation to final decision

We also offer Talent Development to help unlock the professional potential of high performing individuals. For additional detail, see the Talent Development portion of the site. We work across all industries. Talent Development may be combined with Diversity and Inclusion services.