Mind space career walk & talks

Mind Space walk & talks – fresh air and fresh advice!

Start the decade with a new opportunity: a walk & talk to focus on you and your career growth. Think through career strategy, find a new perspective on how to get around a roadblock, or brainstorm a new idea. Give yourself the time and space to activate and focus your mind.

Walks are about an hour long and can take place at a variety of beautiful Bay Area locations. During the consultative conversation, you’ll be able to share what’s on your mind and get suggestions on the spot. You’ll also receive a written follow up with action-oriented next steps.

Our career advocate Laraine McKinnon runs a talent incubator for women’s leadership, is a diversity consultant to Silicon Valley companies, and teaches how to manage unconscious bias. Laraine is known as a career advocate (rather than a coach): her style combines active listening, rapid brainstorming, and crystallizing potential next steps.

Mind Space walk & talks are used by:

    • Women strategizing their next career step
    • People who feel stuck in their current role and want to brainstorm
    • Women trying to figure out how to get around a roadblock
    • Women looking to get back into the workforce after a break
    • People who are thinking about a career pivot
    • People trying to understand why diversity and inclusion is important
    • Professionals dedicated to creating inclusive workplaces
    • Women’s ERG Network leaders taking their group to the next level
    • People with great ideas who need practical next steps to launch

Complete the contact form below and we’ll reach out to schedule a time to walk & talk for an hour of deep conversation at a beautiful SF Bay Area location.